
short clips from our long-form Masterclasses
(video & text)

the best (and most unique)
career advice you’ll ever get!

low production value –
VERY HIGH content value

to get full benefit
watch / read in order

Do The George Costanza OPPOSITE:
In Dire Straits -
It's Your Best Bet!

How To Not Give a F***
A-N-D Get Promoted (5/6)

a tool to help you implement

below is a video clip + it’s full text
taken from the long-form Masterclass:

Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

The Ultimate Guide

for most benefits and context
watch this first:

Workplaces Are Like Relationships:
The More Sexy They Are –
The More Careful You Are
(and Vice Versa)

(it will open in a new tab)

let's bring YOUR inner joy back!

We’ll bust our asses for you
(some free some paid)
but you have to make the first move:

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(no, no freebie – you don’t need a bribe – you need results!)

Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

Do The George Costanza OPPOSITE:
In Dire Straits – It’s Your Best Bet!

How To Not Give a Fuck A-N-D Get Promoted (5/6)

And remember, being varying degrees of a doormat, or a spineless “good boy” employee, as you were before, didn’t get you any extra credit! At least not with your boss, whom decided to snub you, in that promotion and pay raise… And that, my friend,  suggests you didn’t have THAT much credit, not only with your boss, but with your co-workers as well.

How do I know? Because bosses are very much influenced, (explicitly and implicitly, consciously and subconsciously), by the vibe they get about you from the team. To which they add their own direct observations of you, as they see you handle different situations.

Maybe your boss saw you take it in the gut, silently, in all sorts of circumstances, where you should have asserted yourself instead! And maybe that’s what made him or her decide against you, for that promotion and pay raise! You never know… It is absolutely possible, and I’ve seen it happen!

Food for thought, isn’t it?

So self-shackling, self-inhibiting, self-subduing, are all forms of… manifestations of… examples of… being a “good boy” employee. Thus, a sure way to undermine your potential, for getting that coveted promotion and/or pay raise.

And each time you didn’t directly confront anyone at work who deserved it (who deserved it!) – you regressed a step. You regressed a square on the monopoly game board, we all play on.

And by “confronting”, I’m not talking about having a fist fight! Of course not! I’m talking about effective verbal confrontation, of standing your ground. (If you’d like a video about how to do that exactly let me know – I’ll be happy to make it).

But if you think LEAVING is on the table for you, then you are in control of the situation, and you can decide to up the ante, and play a higher risk game for a higher reward. Potentially. No one can guarantee anything in life.

When you decide to play a higher risk game for a higher reward (potentially), you can, then:

  • confront your coworker, when deserved
  • assert yourself to your boss, when needed
  • set boundaries to an unreasonable client
  • tell-off a vendor whom did not deliver

All with the respective respect, of course.

You can do all that, when you switch from “what will they say”, or “what will happen” (so… operating in a mindset of fear), to “I don’t give a fuck! I’m leaving anyway (potentially), so I might as well do XYZ”

Or: “what is there to be afraid of? The worst already happened: I WAS snubbed! So treading extra mildly, with everybody around me, didn’t pay off! On the contrary: This is the thing that screwed me up! So, I might as well go the OPPOSITE way!”

Remember George Costanza, and the opposite episode? So like that! 
[See how we’re coming full circle, right left and center? If you don’t know what I mean check out the what NOT to do Masterclass right here] 

If you keep failing at something – anything – do everything OPPOSITE, than what you’ve done before.

I’m using “opposite” figuratively: it should be different. And “different” sometimes IS the opposites of what you did before, and sometimes it’s not a full 180, but a 30, or 90, or whatever degree different-than-before. As long as you’re not repeating that which has ALREADY failed you – which would be really stupid and counterproductive!

What I’ve just described is a high wire game, but you, my friend, are off the wire altogether… you are too cemented to the ground – you have no game!

Now, you can have!

I’ve given you the tools for how to understand the game AND how to play it.

Indeed, playing a higher risk game, for a potential higher reward, is what business it’s all about, and you are a part of it, even as a salaried employee, rather than a business owner.

So now that you understand the game better than you ever had – will you play it?

It’s up to you – I did my part.