
short clips from our long-form Masterclasses
(video & text)

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It's Everybody's Break Up (And You're To Blame)

It's hard going through a breakup with everybody watching & mixed in, but what did you expect?
YOU fused your professional life with your personal one!

Sex and the Workplace Deck

below is a video clip + it’s full text
taken from the long-form Masterclass:

Office Romance Problems Effects & Etiquette (DOs & DON’Ts)

The Ultimate Guide

let's bring YOUR inner joy back!

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Office Romance Problems Effects & Etiquette (DOs & DON’Ts)

It’s Everybody’s Break Up – Not Just Yours 
(And You’re To Blame)

And, last, but not at all least – the no. 5 thing that happens, when your office romance ends, is:
5. It’s everybody’s break up (and you are to blame)

You have to understand that when you break-up an office romance, it is very different than any other romantic break-up. And this goes back to your “Brangelina” “power-couple” status: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie cannot break up in private. Neither can you.

There are three issues here:

a. It’s everybody’s business: By now, everybody knows you’re couple, so everybody will know about the break-up. You will be going through your grieving process, in plain sight. And your awkward (at best), or tense (at worst), relationship with your (now ex-) schmoopie, will be scrutinized, overtly and covertly, by everybody and their uncle.

Hey, you were the one whom mixed business and pleasure, and imposed your personal issues on your teammates, and boss, and maybe even clients and vendors, so you have no case for complaining, now that you want to separate the business from the pleasure, but since everybody is in the same pressure cooker (i.e. office), schmoopie included, you find that they are all, still, very much mixed.

The second issue is that b. It’s indeed everybody’s break up (not just yours and schmoopie’s):
There is a shared, communal grieving process (as weird as it may sound) In every breakup of a relationship that went on for a while, you have “collateral damage”:

On top of your adjustment to the new situation, everybody around you, who was positively invested in your relationship, has to come to terms with it ending, as well.

By “positively invested in your relationship” I mean anybody and everybody at the office, whom although maybe pissed off with you two at the beginning … and trusting you had implemented every fix this Deck teaches you (starting next time)…

So those of them who came around to root for you, and whom were happy for you… those are the people I’m talking about so, your break-up takes a toll on their day-to-day at the office and their emotions, as well. Of course, it is not a grieving process that is equal to yours, in intensity or volume, but it is, nevertheless, a grieving process.

This is true, if your break-up is amicable. So imagine what it’s like if it’s not! It can get to be stressful, and even toxic, to everybody around you, especially if they have to choose sides.

Which brings us directly to the third and last issue in regard to the fact that it’s everybody’s break up which is:
c. Everybody may be pissed off with you, all over again (because of all of the above): Thus, you are back to square one, in yet another way (on top of what we’ve seen before).

Okay guys, I’m glad to say, this wraps up nicely, the whole first part of this Sex and The Workplace Deck, in which, for 8 videos straight, we have painstakingly, and meticulously, drilled down into the 7 original + 1 bonus, office romance BossProblems that you will encounter, if you embark on an office romance, or are already encountering, if you are already in the thralls of such an affair.

We have done so in depth and scope I have not seen anywhere online, ever – of which I’m very proud, because I know this Deck can save your career, no less! Specifically, saving your eligibility for that promotion and/or a pay raise, you so wanted, all along!

Join me next time, when we embark on the 2nd part of this Deck, which will focus exclusively, and as painstakingly, and as meticulously, on all the fixes, to each and every of those 8 office romance BossProblem we have covered.