
short clips from our long-form Masterclasses
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Don't Be Passive Aggressive!

If you do so NOW, you'll get SACKED, and rightfully so!

below is a video clip + it’s full text
taken from the long-form Masterclass:

Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

The Ultimate Guide

let's bring YOUR inner joy back!

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Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

Don’t Be Passive Aggressive!
If you do so NOW, you’ll get SACKED, and rightfully so!

The third “don’t” of what NOT to do immediately after being passed over for a promotion and the pay raise that goes with it is: Don’t be passive aggressive !!! this will be the worst you can do for yourself, or actually TO yourself this one is so common you wouldn’t believe it, and it ties in directly with the first 2 DON’Ts: People who understand they should not leave (although they want to) and they understand they should not give an ultimatum (although they want to) resort to being insufferable instead! There is nothing worse than somebody pretending to be cool about something (not being promoted, in this case) when their entire constitution SCREAMS the EXACT OPPOSITE is true! think about it: if they’ve passed you over for promotion BEFORE, what is going to happen NOW? you’ll NEVER get it because no one will be able to stand you! and for a good reason! at least be man enough, or woman enough, to acknowledge how you feel – not in an overly sharing way, but just admitting you’re upset and if you really think you have a case regarding the unfairness of being passed over – and I mean a factual case, not just an emotional one because you’re upset – then put your facts together and assert yourself to your boss and your colleagues (you still be out of that promotion but it will start your campaign for the next time) I’ll expand on that in a separate video, if you want, so let me know in the Comments down below so trying to pretend you’re fine with it and supposedly “play nice” while spewing bitterness and… and resentment and being an all-around bad sports, will not ingratiate you to anyone, on the contrary: you will probably get “sacked” in the next round of “downsizing”, and rightfully so is THAT what you want???


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