
short clips from our long-form Masterclasses
(video & text)

the best (and most unique)
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Being Passed Over for Promotion
Is Much Like Being Dumped
by Your Lover

How To Not Give a F***
A-N-D Get Promoted (1/6)

So ALL your lovers were NUTS?
It's not them it's you!
Same goes for your relationship with your boss!
See how
(and what you should do about it)

below is a video clip + it’s full text
taken from the long-form Masterclass:

Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

The Ultimate Guide

let's bring YOUR inner joy back!

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Passed Over for Promotion & Pay Raise:
What To Do (and Not Do)
Right After
to Get Another Shot

Being Passed Over for Promotion Is Much Like Being Dumped By Your Lover

How to not give a Fuck AND get promoted (1/6)

Today we go out with a BANG: You’ll see how NOT to GIVE a fuck, AND get promoted! That will surprise you, with how effective it is, and how it can get you that promotion and pay raise, next time!

You will ALSO learn the counter-intuitive reason why THIS very workplace you’re in, the one that has betrayed you, with that snub of passing you over, is actually THE best skill-building playground you’ve ever had, and how you can have a ball playing in it, on your way to your future promotion and pay raise: either there, or elsewhere!

The no. 8, and last, DO (what TO DO) right after being passed over for a promotion or a pay raise or both is: Use THIS workplace as your practice ground: You’ve got nothing to lose and much to gain!

OK, first some context: One of the first things you’ve probably wanted to do, right after been passed over, is to say “fuck this place”, quit, and go elsewhere.

What I’m here to tell you is that, you can do just that, but without the quitting part! You would be an idiot to leave now! (So we’ve come full circle, with the first post/video in this Snub Stack, as I call it, check it out here and you’ll see what I mean).

On top of everything in that post/video, there’s another reason why you should not quit right now (Note, I’m only saying that for “right now”), which is the following:

If you think, that changing your workplace will magically grant you that promotion or pay raise, or both, you are gravely mistaken, so you are about to be bitterly disappointed.

If you didn’t get it because of the reasons for which most people don’t get it, that is:
Issues regarding your performance
poor understanding of office politics
(which usually stems from a poor understanding, or even a total misunderstanding, of how organizations operate, and how bosses make decisions – which, by the way, will be the very topics I’ll cover in a HUGE new Stack, I’ll be uploading next)

So, if these are the reasons you didn’t get it, I guarantee the same thing will happen in your next workplace, and the next one after that, for all eternity!

You need to let the following sink in: It’s not them – it’s you!

The issue is always you, and HAS been always… YOU.

And until YOU change, NOTHING will change, in regards to your promotion and/or pay raise.

Therefore, skipping from one workplace to the next, just because of your bruised ego, is counterproductive, and WILL – 9 out of 10 times – ruin your career!

It’s very much like relationships: You can hop from one relationship to another, and whenever something goes wrong – blame the other party.

Surely, they have some part of the blame, but how about you?

If you’ve been dating all over the place, only to find out, each time, how screwed up your partner is, wondering how come you never get to meet a NORMAL one, then you need to zoom out, and be honest about what’s really going on here!

If you do, you will come to acknowledge that, the only common denominator, in all those failed relationships is… You!

Thus, before you hop on to the next relationship, all along thinking that all women are nuts, or all men are nuts (depending on whom you’re dating), you better stay single for a while, to figure YOURSELF out, and then – if you’re still interested in a relationship – you’ll find out that women (or men) have miraculously become easier to get along with…

Hmm… Imagine that… What an incredible thing to happen…

It’s the same with work.

If you think all your bosses, and all your co-workers, in ALL the places you’ve ever worked at, we’re screwed up (no matter the company, the industry – all screwed up), then there is/was never any Rhyme or Reason to the way they are, and the way they treat you.

From your perspective, they’re just screwed up, and that’s that.

Maybe that’s how they were born. Maybe that’s how they were raised. Who knows?

But if you zoom out – just like with relationships – and be honest about what’s really going on here, then you will come to acknowledge that, the only common denominator in all those failed workplace relationships, with your boss or co-workers, is, once again… You!


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