Women and the Workplace:
Inconvenient Truth Bombs!
Are You Pregnant?
(or trying to be)
Hear Employers' Plight!
(if fairness is a consideration for you)
the forbidden, but most pertinent, of all interview questions
employers needs to know the answer to
(but are not legally allowed to ask)
before hiring and promoting female employees
why feminism unjustly framed employers
as the villain "Patriarchy" of the workforce
while stomping all over their most basic rights
thus creating Female Supremacy in the workplace
Jolene, Jolene, Jole-e-ene,
please don't screw your employer up just because you can!
Pregnant employees screw employers up
then call us villains
then use labor laws for the kill:
Why no social justice for employers too?
In everything Workforce, International Women’s Day, and Women’s History Month, and most, if not all, “Girl Power” programs , are euphemisms for female-employee Supremacy!
Supremacy over her male colleagues and coworkers, (which deserves its own separate attention, which I will do in the future), and supremacy over her employer, (may they be male or female).
In this video / post, I will present you with a point of view you never hear from, a point of view that is most unfairly stripped of all legitimacy, in its cry for help: The point of view of the employer, oh my (and again: male or female-employer, alike).
Employees as a whole, female-employees in particular, do not like to listen to this point of view. It is easier to hide behind your victim mentality, in which, for once, “binary” is all the rage: You are either a female-employee whom deserves anything and everything, always, because, well, “Patriarchy”, duh, or you are the horrible, mean, employer – a Capitalistic Pig, whom is to blame, and should pay the price, and be thankful, his or her business, is even allowed to exist.
But understanding your employer’s point of you is crucial. If not for anything else (like fairness, effective community etc.), then for your own personal gain: You cannot get the promotion and/or the pay raise you want, without it, as I often stress in my videos / posts . Your employer is your first and foremost customer. Top notch customer service does not exist without thoroughly understanding your customer’s pain points, and then addressing them with a fix.
Unfortunately, this lack of willingness to hear employers’ point of view, that relays their ever-increasing plight, let alone understand it, is being rewarded in the workplace today. How? The unspoken truth is that, many female-employees, DO get that promotion and/or pay raise, even without catering to their employer’s performance needs: Through social, and political and legal pressures, that divorce business-wise value, from the decision.
This open letter, is based on both my personal and professional experience, of some three decades. No less. So, on this International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, hear the plight of us employers, if fairness, true fairness, is a consideration for you.
To us business owners, female and male alike, International Women’s Day is the insult-to-injury pinnacle, of the workforce charades, we are forced to play, all year long. A charade so “progressive”, in its never-ending demand for ever-more one-sided legislation, over female “rights”, that it ever-more casually, unscrupulously, and brutally, stomps all over ours’.
The only “progressive” aspect of this the-employer-is-dead-(to-us)-long-live-the-female-employee legislation is, it’s constant progression towards complete and total obliteration, of employers’ most basic of rights: to hire (or not), employ (or not), raise pay (or not), promote (or not), female employees and applicants, according to their business-wise value, or lack thereof.
For this is a topsy turvy employment order, we live in. One in which, the power rests not with the employer, the one who’s creating the jobs, providing the opportunity, taking the risk, and shelling out the money, but with the female employee, whom is getting the job, getting the opportunity, not sharing any of the risk, and getting the money. Ahh, the beauty of “female empowerment”, à la nowadays feminists. (Empowerment. Has there ever been, a more diluted and prostitutionalized trope?)
And mind you, all this legislation that creates this topsy-turvy workforce, does not apply to, and is not concerned with, male-employees. So, it has nothing to do with equality between the sexes in the workplace, but with the supremacy of women. in the workplace.
Why? Because all the Equal Employment Opportunity laws are already in place, regardless of gender, thus, every female-exclusive, or just female-prone, additional law, regulation, or binding ‘best practices’, is, by definition, the practice of female Supremacy. A nefarious practice, we employers, are forced, and coerced, into executing.
The number one taboo in this context, is the right of an employer to know the intentions of a female applicant, or employee, regarding having children, i.e. if, when, and approximately how many, when considering her for hiring or promotion, respectively.
This is the elephant in the room. Indeed, it is an inconvenient truth, not to be acknowledged, let alone admitted, lest the wrath of the keyboard mob descends on one, lest one be “cancelled”, or even worse yet – lest one be sued, for everything one has(or doesn’t have).
How did this happen? How did a nation, originally so celebrating of entrepreneurship, as the core of its success, has come to regard employers as both the “immediate suspect”, on all the evils of gender inequality in the workplace, and the vessel and conduit (a coerced dumping ground, more like it), to all social engineering legislative endeavors, to “correct” said inequality – how?
The answer is: Employers are easy-mark patsies. We were the only ones left standing, once the music, in this metaphoric musical chairs game, has stopped. When did it stop? When legal gender equality was achieved. Everything the feminist movement ever fought for, was realized. (I’m talking about the west). The feminist movement, of which I was once, proudly a part of.
But then, the unthinkable happened: Women were still not happy. If anything, they were growing to be more frustrated than ever. Did it make women pause, and take honest stock, as to the real reason why? No!
Had they done so, the ‘B word’ (‘biology’, pardon my French. Maybe I should bleep it), would have had to be acknowledged, as the driving force behind men and women having different priorities, interests, and lifestyle choices. Which, in turn, influence occupational choices, and workplace behaviors, from which promotions, and pay raises, and bonuses, are derived.
But that would have been too devastating, as it overthrows the entire premise of feminism: The “Patriarchy” is to blame for everything, specifically the overwhelming, and near-impossible, push-pull dynamics, of work vs. family. Take away the villain – take away the “cause”. Thus, rendering the heroin’s journey, against said “Patriarchy”, un-merited, and dawn right pointless. Because if it’s biology and not the “Patriarchy” – what is the point?
Was the whole thing self-deceit? A lie? A mistake? All of the above? Either way, you are left without a story to tell yourself, and others.
And so, the biology factual explanation, for the differences in outcomes, between men and women in the workplace, was out.
Plus, conceding to biology, would have been too devastating, on yet another level: Loss of power, clout, influence, status, and… money. Oh, so much money would have, then, been denied the feminist movements, and all its derivatives. Money from donations, from grants (private, federal, and state), from speaking engagements, from magazines, and books, and documentaries, from counseling governments and other officials in regard to “women issues” – the loot lot.
And of course, without the “Patriarchy” to conveniently blame for everything, there will be no “gender studies” faculties – imagine that… after all, we do need to take care of all those F-in-scholarship-A-in-agenda-and-indoctrination professors and their good-for-nothing counterparts, the administrators… And surely we don’t want to deny all those TV talking-heads their livelihood, nor the Online talking-heads and bloggers their ad revenue – the poor things will have nothing to say!
Yes. In case you didn’t know, or are too naïve, or too infused with ideology to realize, or you just never stopped to think about it: The feminist movement is a business, and a very well-oiled machine, at that. And just as any other business, it needs to keep things rolling, by constantly and consecutively, churning those revenues, and the only way to do that, is to shout “Patriarchy” whenever biology is at play.
And so, once again, the biology factual explanation, for the differences in outcomes, between men and women in the workplace, was tossed aside, with a vengeance.
Thus, the feminist-female-employees machine went back on the market, in search of a new villain.
How about blaming it on your spouse, the father of your children? Maybe you should confront him with “gender equality” at the home, as gender equality in the workplace, is a direct result of it.
Nah, that wouldn’t do either. Relationships are hard enough as it is. Besides, he may leave, and who wants to lose her man? Yeah, you’re an “independent woman”, but that only means you want to get to the point, where you earn enough money so that you can leave him, if you’d want to (no worries, you’d get the kids anyway. “Female Empowerment” qualifies for Family Court, just as well as the workplace).
But wait! There is a way to still keep the “Patriarchy” villain, thus avoiding dealing with both the biological facts, and home-front personal choices: Let’s just put the blame on the “Patriarchy” in the workplace, best represented by – whom else – employers! Problem solved.
Many are men, anyway, so the “Patriarchy” is conveniently built right into it. And if the employer is a woman (like me), no worries – we can contrive a fix for that too: “Internalized Patriarchy”! Ingenious!
Plus, employers (unlike the amorphic “Patriarchy” of general society) are tangible, easy to define, locate, legislate, and regulate. Bingo!
Yeah, their “power structure” is based on merit, in the form of actually building something from scratch, against all odds, whereas the “power structure” of the “Patriarchy” in society as a whole, is based on a supposed un-merited takeover by men. So merited power, in the case of employers.
But, hey, who’s going to fact check us female-employee-machine on that? Mainstream media? Gender studies faculties? Their all in on it – they share the loot! (no slip here)
So, solution for the quest for a villain: Let’s penalize employers for the pregnancies they didn’t have anything to do with. Let’s force them to hire us, not fire us, and promote us, even when we’re due (to give birth) in 24 hours. Even when we’ve just embarked on the multi-year, physically, and emotionally, and mentally draining roller coaster, that is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), which we don’t reveal, of course, because, well, haven’t women suffered enough? Don’t we deserve a break? Yeah, it is immensely unfair to the employer, but, hey, that’s what you get, for being a part of the “Patriarchy”, so…
Indeed, every employment interaction nowadays, of an employer and a female applicant, or employee, or candidate for promotion, is executed under duress. Under a constant, palpable, implicit threat. It’s just there. Hovering. Dare not give me what I want, just because I’m a woman (and an oh, so “empowered” one, at that), and I can take you down.
A big business will suffer, but contain it. A small one, like mine, can very easily go under.
So, who’s the real boss? Who’s really in power? Who’s the real victim here? Exactly. And you want us to keep playing this ‘charades’ on International Women’s Day? No. No way. Enough is enough! This needs to change.
The first order of business, of such a change, were it to ever realize (one is still allowed to fantasize, isn’t one?), would be, to re-instate any and every question pertaining to the intentions, plans, and dreams, of female applicants, employees and candidates for promotion, regarding family and kids, including their true prioritization when these clash with work, as they do, on a daily basis.
And I stress true prioritization, because often in such circumstances, women reassure employers they are all about the job, whereas in practice they act completely opposite. Some would call it lying. Being disingenuous. Having no integrity.
And the pièce de résistance question to be re-instate, which is sure to garner me the most maligned, slandered, vicious, ad hominem-s, the likes of which only the thoughtful, peace-loving, “equality” keyboard activists, and their fully-indoctrinated, cult-card-carrying, Gender Studies mentors, are capable of, is – drum roll please – wait for it – it’s really big – no employer who’s ever attempted it, was ever heard from again – OK, here goes: ARE YOU CURRENTLY PREGNANT, OR TRYING TO BE?
Oh, the shock. The horror. How dare a business owner take into account, the number one pertinent factor, before making a call, regarding a female applicant, or employee, or candidate for promotion or pay raise?
How indeed. The gall!
And you may ask, how do we reconcile these reproductive realities, with the business realities. That’s a great question. One that is not easily answered. But, it is beyond the scope of this post, and NOT the point of it! So don’t use it as an excuse, to avoid acknowledging all that I have put before you!
This post is about understanding, and having even a sliver of empathy, for employers’ plight,
in regards to women’s reproductive, and family, choices that is paralyzing employers’ running of their businesses, and is costing them a fortune, and is simply unfair! Talk about “social justice“.
As it is victimhood that the Zeitgeist dictates, assigns, and celebrates, at least let it be one of true merit. You were just presented, with the clear-cut case for employers’ true plight. Surely that puts us right up there, on the top of the totem pole, that is the Oppression Olympics. Surely this is right up there, with the most downtrodden, non-binary, gender-fluid, alphabet-soup, people.
At least there, we can finally be allowed to win. A Pyrrhic victory, no doubt. But one takes what one can get.