The Pay Raise Commando Forum

Busting all your BossProblems on
How to Get That Pay Raise & Promotion

Brand new - just added to the site!

What is standing in your way of getting that
pay raise and/or promotion?

  • Conflicts with your boss
  • Conflicts with your coworkers 
  • Conflicts with HR
  • Office Politics
  • Office Romance (consensual relationship between peers)
  • Toxic organizational culture

Which is it?
Share your BossProblem now, and let’s Bust it together!

Please Note:

When you enter a question
we assume you are:

  1. Highly driven
  2. Top-performing
  3. Corporate professional
  4. In the private sector
  5. Passed over or not even considered
  6. An adult, who can handle the truth.

We want you to succeed so we tell you the truth!
We are very direct.
If you are easily offended or triggered – this is not for you!

let’s get you that
pay raise and promotion
you are overdue for!

Participate – Implement – Succeed!

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